Health, migration and youth

COST Action CA17114 Young-in


Aims of the COST action are to

  • develop a common trans-disciplinary understanding of cross-domain  disadvantages of youth
  • identify national and cross-national knowledge and new research needs
  • understand how dominant policy approaches such as social investment can better respond to young people’s needs
  • establish a dialogue with stakeholders of youth policy to test  research based policy recommendations

CHM is the Austrian partner in the European network. Our focus is on young people with a migrant background.

CHM leads the working group on science communication and dissemination with the aim to connect research and practice and to provide guidance and policy recommendations to policy makers and stakeholders.

2st Young-in Science Communication meeting

Valletta, Malta, 19-20 September 2019

Science Communication working group discussed how to reach out to other than academic groups and identified what skills are needed for doing this sucessfully. Expertise among group members is high and will be shared in a training school on Science Communication. First plans for the training school have been made in Valletta; planning will be continued during the 3rd Science Communication meeting in Vienna in December 2019.

1st Young-in Science Communication meeting

Vienna, Austria, 2-3 April 2019

Experts from seven countries defined relevant dimensions of science communication and developed a mind map as starting point for further development of the Young-in communication strategy. Representatives of all Young-in working groups, experts from policy and practice, web designers, and young students were involved in the discussion.